My School paragraph - Our School paragraph within 200 words

My School paragraph and our school paragraph within 200 words. If you want to know about the information then you can read the article carefully.

Our School paragraph within 200 words
Tree plantation composition 250 wordsThe name of my school is Matbart Serajia High School. A rich man named Mr. Siraj Uddin Ahmed founded the school. It is at a suitable place. Boys and girls of the nearby village can come to the school easily. It is housed in a nice one storied building. It has fifteen spacious rooms. 

The Headmaster has a separate room to sit in. It has an office room near to the Headmasters room. Two clerks sit there and maintain the records. There is also a Teacher' Common Room. There are also science laboratories students common room, scouts room and cadets room. The library room is very spacious. 

My School is a rich collection of books in the library. Generally it starts at 1lam and breaks up at 4 pm. There are 300 students and twenty well trained teachers in our school. They are kind to us. It has a big play ground. It has a good reputation for results. I am proud of being a student of the school.

My school paragraph for class 6 or 7

The name of my school is 'X' Primary School. It is at a suitable place. Boys and girls of the nearby villages can come to the school easily. It has fifteen rooms. The Headmaster has a separate room to sit in. There is an office room near to the Headmaster's room. Two clerks sit there. There is also teachers' common room. There is a students' common room. The library room is very big. Generally my school starts at 10 a.m. and breaks up at 4 p.m. 
There are 300 students and twenty well trained teachers. They are kind to us. It has a big play ground. Students play various games and sports there. It has a good reputation for result. My school is one of the best in Khulna District. We are proud of it.

Write a descriptive paragraph about your school

The name of our school is Nasirabad Collegiate School. It is situated at a suitable place in the divisional city of Mymensingh. It stands on the bank of the river Brahmaputra. It was established in 1951.
My school is very renowned. It is a three-storied building facing the south. There are twenty classrooms and one hall-room in it. 

There is a teachers' common room where the teachers take a rest and discuss important matters. There is one office room where the clerks and other members of the office staff along with a computer operator sit. Moreover, one room is for our Headmaster. There are 1,600 students. There are one Headmaster, two Assistant Headmasters, 45 assistant teachers and 10 other members of office staff. 
Our classrooms are specious and well furnished. There is a large library. A librarian and an assistant librarian look after the library. There is a good collection of books here. Moreover, there are a canteen, a science laboratory, two common rooms for students, a debating club, etc. The result of our school is very good. It is the best school in the city in respect of result

Our School paragraph within 200 words

My School is the place where we receive education. We have a school in our locality. I read in it. I am Arif. I read in class V. The name of our school is Baraguni Govt. Primary School. It is in Chitalmari in the district of Bagerhat. It is housed in a H-shaped building. There are six rooms on either side. There is a large hall in the middle. 

About 450 students read here. About 19 teachers teach us. Our headmaster is a B.A. B.Ed. He is a good man. He loves us as his own sons. We also respect him very much and love him very dearly. Other teachers are all learned and kind. They always see to our good. So they teach us well and guide us properly. 

There is a big playground in front of my school. We play there in the evening. It has a library. We borrow books from it and read them with attention. Our school is an ideal school. It is not only a place for acquiring education but also for learning discipline and other rules of reshaping life.

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