Early rising paragraph within 200 words

Early rising paragraph

Early rising paragraph within 200 words
Tree plantation composition 250 wordsAns: Early rising means the habit of getting up early from bed in the morning. It is a good habit. A man who rises early certainly gets some advantages over the man who rises late. An early riser can enjoy the fresh air and oxygen of the morning. An early riser also gets the opportunity of going for a walk or taking physical exercise by the river side or in the open field. 

It makes a man physically strong and mentally cheerful. It gives him the opportunity to enjoy the beauties of nature. Nature smiles in the morning with colorful flowers and green leaves and the chirping of birds is also heard. Enjoyment of natural beauties sharpens his feelings and sense of beauty and he is inspired to think of the wonderful creation of God. 

Moreover, an early riser gets enough time to perform his work properly. He has nothing to worry and he is never in haste. On the contrary, too much sleep makes a man dull. Again a late riser wastes a lot of time in sleeping and he cannot finish his work in time. To make the best use of time, early rising has no alternative. So everybody snould cultivate this habit from the very beginning of his life.

Early rising paragraph class 8 or 9

Ans: The habit of early rising provides a lot of benefits to the early riser. It is of special use to a man in various ways. It is essential for maintaining good health Firstly, an early riser can take some exercises daily or a walk in the morning fresh air by the river side or in the open field. The morning air full of oxygen refreshes his body and mind. 

Secondly, he can enjoy the calm and serene atmosphere everywhere. Thirdly, he can enjoy the beauty of nature full of colourful flowers, green fields and the chirping of birds. All these make an early riser cheerful and healthy Fourthly, he can start his daily work earlier without any worry or haste. Thus he gets enough time to work, earn more and become wealthy. 
The habit of early rising reminds everybody of the Creator and one feels like praying to God. Thus he becomes wise. So, the habit of early rising is the source of health, wealth and wisdom, We must rise early from bed, and make it into a lifelong habit. Otherwise, we shall not be able to succeed either in study or in our career.

Early rising paragraph within 200 words

  • What is early rising?
  • What are the benefits of early rising?
  • What does one enjoy in the morning?
Ans: Early rising is the habit of getting up from bed in the morning. It is a very good habit. It is essential and good for health. This habit is of special use to a man in various ways. The man who rises early in the morning can take some exercises or a walk in the morning fresh air by the river side or in the open field. 

The morning air refreshes both body and mind. Then the air is full of oxygen. There is a calm and serene atmosphere every where. One can enjoy the beauty of nature in the early morning. Nature smiles in the morning with colourful flowers and green leaves and the chirping of birds is also heard in the morning. 
All these make them cheerful and healthy. The beautiful gifts and colourful nature in the morning remind everybody of the Creator. One feels like to pray to God. An early riser has many advantages. He can start his daily work earlier. He had nothing to worry. He is never in a haste. As an early riser has enough time to work. 

he can earn more and become wealthy. So the habit of early rising is the source of health, wealth and wisdom. An English proverb says. "Early to bed and early to rise Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise". So everybody should practise early rising.

Write a descriptive paragraph about Early rising

Ans: As the early bird catches the worm, so the early rising person can have a good and timely glimpse of the solemn, fascinating beauty of nature He or she can breathe in the freshest air, can bask-in a winter morning-the sweet sun giving invigorating warmth, has the unique opportunity to enjoy the chirp of birds. 

Early rising has other benefits, however. If it becomes a habit, it dawn, preferable to sleep. An early riser can say his or her morning prayer with full tranquility of the mind. It ensures good health and humour. It gives stamina for the whole day's work. Idleness, a notorious enemy of prosperity, can hardly find any indulgence in the mind of an early-riser. 

We all, therefore, should bear in mind this aphorism. Early to bed and early to rise/Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. In fact, early rising ensures one's active life longer than otherwise it could be.

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