The graph below shows the Pastime activities of the students of Bangladesh

Q: The graph below shows the Pastime activities of the students of Bangladesh. Describe the graph in at least 80 words. You should highlight the information and report the main features given in the graph.
The graph below shows the Pastime activities of the students of Bangladesh

Pastime Activities of the Students of Bangladesh

Positive and negative effects of online games to students
                              Watching TV Games and Sports Online Programme

 The graph below shows the Pastime activities of the students of Bangladesh

Ans. The survey shows that during the twenty years, spanning between1990 to 2010, students went through significant changes in choosing their pastime. The survey results reveal that there was a steady rise in students' inclination towards online programmes. In 1990, 40% of the students watched TV, 50% participated in games and sports and 10% got themselves engaged in online programme as their pastime activities. 

Positive and negative effects of online games to students

After a decade in 2000, the number of TV viewers increased to 48% but the number of students participating in games and sports came down to 40%. In the same imetreased to year the percentage of students spending time on online programme rose to 15%. In 2010, the number of TV viewers increased further and stood at 55% while the percentage of participators in games and sports decreased to 30%. 

Effects of mobile games to students behavior

But the percentage of the students spending time on online programme increased to 25%. Though the students dissociated themselves noticeably from games and sports, there was a sharp and steady rise in their association with online or computer assisted programmes. Thus it is clear that in compliance with the age and available facilities the students choose their pastime activities. Actually, the facilities for sports and games gradually declined because of the scarcity of open space, and this enhanced students' inclination to indoor pastime activities.

Q: The graph below shows the elderly people's changing attitude to pastimes. Describe the graph ill at least 80 words. You should highlight the information and report the main features given in the graph.

Elderly People's Changing Attitude to Pastimes

Elderly People's Changing Attitude to Pastimes
                               Watching TV. Playing cards Drawing room chats Others
Ans: The graph shows information about elderly people's changing attitude to pastimes in a community. in 1990, 32% of the people watched TV while 34% of the people played cards and 17% of them spent their pastime through drawing room chats and other activities. After a decade in 2000, the percentage of TV viewers rose to 41% and players of cards rose to 36%. 

A Pie chart on Different pastime activities of the students of Bangladesh

At the same time the percentage of people spending their leisure in drawing room chats and in other activities decreased to 12% and 11% respectively. In 2010, the percentage of TV viewers increased to 49% and the percentage of the card players rose to 38%. But people spending time in drawing room chats and the people enjoying other pastimes came down to 6% and 7% respectively. 

Young people's changing attitude to pastimes graph chart

Thus it is clear that TV viewers and card players are increasing in number day by day. But people spending time in drawing room chats and in other pastimes are decreasing in number day by day. This is the result of the availability of new entertainment opportunities provided by basically satellite channels. Moreover, modern people are getting alienated gradually, the reason why they are being confined to indoor pastime activities.

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মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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