The graph below shows the irregularity of a student named Abir in attending

The graph below shows Exports from 2000 to 2011Write a paragraph describing the information of the following chart / graphs.
The graph below shows the irregularity of a student named Abir in attending the classes

       Month wise attendance of Asif
Month wise attendance of Asif

Write a paragraph describing the information of the following chart / graphs

Ans. The graph shows that Asif was very regular in his class from the month of January to April. He attended 25 classes in January, 24 in February and March and 26 in April. His attendance fell sharply in May and June. He attended 17 classes in May and 15 in June. His attendance was quite satisfactory in July and August. He attended 23 classes in July and 22 in August.
The graph below shows the irregularity of a student named Abir in attending the classes. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarise the information given in the chart.

     Monthwise absence of Abir
Monthwise absence of Abir

The graph below shows the irregularity of a student named Abir in attending the classes

Ans: This graph shows the irregularity of Abir in his attending the classes. Abir goes to school irregularly. His attendance varies from month to month. From the chart, we can see that in Januay he attends 10 days only out of 30 days. In the next month, in February his absence increases 3 days and it becomes 23 days. 
But in March. it decreases and stands to 18 days. Again in April, he becomes more irregular and remains absent from school 25 days. The next two months May and June, his absence is nearly the same and they are 24 and 25 days. In July, his absence falls down to 20 days, like January. His absence is the highest in the month of August and it is 26 days. In September and October, again he is absent from school for 25 and 24 days respectively.

By analysing the graph, it can be clearly said that Abir is an irregular student. His highest absence is in the month of August (26 days) and the lowest is in March (18 days). So, he should be more regular in attending the classes.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

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নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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