Various methods of lemon cultivation - Soil preparation for lemon cultivation

Detailed information about various lemon cultivation methods and soil preparation for lemon cultivation is discussed.
Various methods of lemon cultivation
In this article we are also discussing when is the best time to grow lemons and the qualities of lemons. Besides, several other important topics have been discussed in detail, to know them, please read the entire article.

Citrus fruits scientific name

Citrus fruits scientific name: Citrus Spp.
Gotra: (Family or Natural order): Rutaceae.


Lemon is an important fruit among all the fruits of the world and lemon occupies the third place among all the subtropical fruits. It is also a third important fruit in India. Nine percent of the total land under fruit cultivation is under lemon cultivation. Assam, Meghalaya, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan are some of the lemon producing regions.

Apart from this, lemon is grown in small areas in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Bihar and Odisha. Citrus fruits first originated in Southeast Asia, particularly India and China is assumed to have occurred. The north-eastern region of India is considered to be one of the birthplaces of lemons.

The properties of lemon

Lemon contains vitamin C and useful minerals. In addition, fruit juice contains fruit sugar (Fructose), a small amount of fruit acid (Citric acid), minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and sodium and potassium salts. Lemons are sour in taste due to high citric acid. Lemons are used to make salads and soups and to enhance the flavor or aroma of other foods. 

Some lemons (such as Batavi, Kaggi, etc.) are high in pectin and can be used to make marmalade and jelly. Patilebu pickle is prepared. Lemon juice can be stored for future use. Lemon peel contains oily substance. The essential oils of oranges and lemons are used to make perfumes.

Names of different types of lemons

There are different categories of lemons. Namely:
  • 1. Lemon Citrus limon Burm F.
  • 2. Lime Citrus aurantifolia Swingle.
  • 3. Sweet orange or Mosambi Citrus sinensis Osheck
  • 4. Citron or Sweet Lume - Citrus lime oides Tanaka
  • 5. Pummelo Citrus grandis L/C. maxima Merill
  • 6. Grape fruit (Grape fruit Citrus paradisis Macf.)
  • 7. Mandarin or loose skin Orange: C. reticulata Blance
Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri in West Bengal are famous for orange cultivation.

When is lemon cultivation good?

Orange is a subtropical fruit; Orange likes relatively cool and high rainfall. Oranges are grown in high-altitude climates with high humidity. That is why oranges are grown in abundance in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal, in the hilly regions of Assam and Meghalaya. If there is more rain and water vapor in the air, the juice of the fruit is more and the peel is thinner. The taste of the fruit is bland and the fruit does not come in proper color. If there is no rain, oranges can be cultivated very well with irrigation.

Lime & Lemon:
Limes and limes grow well in the relatively warm and humid regions of India. They cannot tolerate cold and frost. In the relatively arid regions of northern India, paper and lime can be cultivated.

Airy lemon likes high rainfall and humidity. Dry, cold weather and frost are unsuitable for this lemon. Batavi lemon grows well in West Bengal.

Sweet orange or Mosambi:
Moussavi lemon prefers subtropical climates and cannot tolerate extreme cold and frost. Warm weather is required during fruit ripening. Plains of North India, where winters are severe Milder, musambi lemons can grow there.

Soil preparation for lemon cultivation

Lemon grows in a variety of soils. On black soils in Central India and Andhra, on sandy soils in Punjab, Lemon is cultivated in the deep alluvial soils of the Indus-Gangetic basin and the red hill soils of Khasia, Darjeeling and Bindhyachal. The success of lemon cultivation depends on the soil properties (such as soil reaction, soil fertility, drainage capacity, concentration of lime and salt etc.). Lemon grows best in deep, loose soil. Depending on the pH-type of the soil, different soils are required. For example: Ideal for lemon cultivation. of lemon

Soil preparation for orange cultivation

A well-drained loamy soil is best for oranges. In the Nagpur region where it is cultivated, there is black clay soil and slightly below that is moram. In Khasia Hills, the land for orange orchards is sandy or sandy, in Punjab, orange orchards are developed on light sandy soil.

Soil preparation for lime & lemon cultivation

Limes and limes grow in loam, sandy loam, clay loam and alluvium. Land should have good drainage system.

Soil preparation for pummelo cultivation

Airy lemon grows in light to heavy soils. But alluvial soil is most suitable for lemon cultivation. Land should have good drainage system.

Various methods of lemon cultivation

Seedlings can be made from orange seeds and grafting. Seedlings of seed plants can turn lemon sour. But seed plants live longer and bear more fruit. Orange seeds are often poly embryony. A lemon seed can grow many seedlings. One of these is produced in the plant pollen conjugation and the rest from cells inside the seed. 

Seedlings produced from cells are called nucellar seedlings. These plants are very fresh and healthy. Besides, even though they come out of seeds, they are full of qualitative and characteristic features like the seedlings of the pen. Jambhiri (C. jambhiri) is the most abundant in lemon (approx 91) Nucella seedlings are available. 

Seeds should be collected from ripe lemons and sown in seed bed. Collect the seeds from the fruit and rub the ashes to destroy the pulp of the seeds. Then wash in water and dry in the shade and sow the seeds in the seed bed. The seeds are destroyed by drying in the sun. Germination ability is reduced if seeds are left. 

That is why it is necessary to collect the seeds from the fruit and plant them in the seed bed. Seeds are usually sown in August-September. In Central and South India the seeds are sown in May- June. Oranges can be propagated by budding (eg T-budding, fork budding, etc.). Jambiri (C. jambhiri) is used as the root stock of Malta, Mosambi etc. and Patilebu and Rangpur lemon seedlings are used for tantra. Eye grafting is done in February-March. These seedlings are suitable for permanent planting after one year of rearing in nursery. Seedlings should be planted during monsoon (July-August).

Lime & Lemon:
Lemon seedlings of this category can be produced with the help of seeds, branch cuttings, layering, air layering and budding.
Batabi Lembu: Can be produced from seeds and cuttings (eg, Gutikalam, Chokh Kalam etc. Seedlings).

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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