Pineapple Plant Irrigation - Cultivation method of pineapple seedlings

If you want to know detailed information about pineapple plant irrigation and pineapple care, you must read this article carefully.
Cultivation method of pineapple seedlings
Diseases and Pest Control of PineappleIn this article we are also discussing the cultivation method of pineapple seedlings and what kind of soil is required for pineapple cultivation. Besides, several other important topics have been discussed in detail, to know them, please read the entire article.

Pineapple Scientific Name

Ananas comosus Get.
Syn: Pineapple sativus rubble.
Family or Natural order: Bromeliaceae.


The original birthplace of this fruit is Brazil in South America. Pineapple entered India in 1548 AD. Pineapples are grown mainly in Assam, West Bengal, Tripura, Kerala, Goa, Odisha, Karnataka and North Eastern states. Within West Bengal, about 7000 hectares of land are cultivated in Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri and West Dinajpur districts of North Bengal and 24 Parganas districts (Baruipur and Jaynagar) of South Bengal. Substantial pineapple cultivation is seen in Bangladesh's Srihatt district (Chatak), Comilla and Chittagong.

In any climate pineapple is best grown

Pineapple is actually a tropical fruit. But pineapples can also grow in subtropical climates. Pineapple grows well in hilly areas ranging from plains to 900 meters high. Ideal temperature for pineapple is 15-50-32.5°C and average annual rainfall 150 cm. This fruit cannot withstand frost. To grow pineapples in areas with high temperature, bright sunlight, pineapple plants need a little shade. Too much shade is harmful to this crop. Pineapple thrives in the humid climate of Terai and Duars.

What kind of soil is required for pineapple cultivation?

High and water resistant fertile loam and sandy loam soils are particularly suitable. Soil pH should be 5.5-6.0.The soil should be prepared well with horizontal and vertical traction and ladder 5-6 times. At the time of land preparation, 10 tons per acre should be applied.

Cultivation method of pineapple plantation

The land is divided into several plots by making drainage channels according to the needs of the land. have to take Then small and big seedlings should be selected and planted separately. Because if small and big seedlings are planted together, the small seedlings will not be able to grow with the big seedlings. 

One foot (30 cm) wide, one foot long and one foot deep hole should be dug in the ground at certain distance and filled with some garbage or dung manure. Generally, pineapple seedlings can be planted at any time of the year except the rainy season. But it is better to plant seedlings from the end of monsoon. Kartika-Agrahayana in North Bengal and Ashwin-Kartika months in South Bengal are suitable time for planting seedlings. 

At this time, there is enough sap in the land, but there is no fear of rotting the seedlings due to water accumulation. The base of the seedling should be 2/3 inch into the soil. Kew varieties are usually planted in "double row" and Queen and Mauritius varieties are planted in "single row" rows. Plant 11/2 feet (45 cm) apart in rows. Space 4 feet (120 cm) between two pairs. 3 x 3 feet (900 90 cm) or 3022 feet (90 x 75 cm). or 22 × 21/2 ft. (75 × 75 cm) spacing. Also, 2 × 2 ft. (60 × 60 cm) spacing.

Fertilizers need to be applied per plant for pineapple cultivation

Pineapple needs moderate amount of fertilizer to get good yield. Approximately 10 grams of nitrogen, 6 grams of phosphorus and 10 grams of potassium should be applied to each pineapple plant each year. As such, the following amounts of fertilizer should be applied per thousand trees per year. Namely:
Ammonium Sulphate: 50 kg.
  • urea: 23 kg.
  • Super Phosphate: 38 kg.
  • Muriate of Potash: 20 kg.
This fertilizer should be applied in two parts before monsoon and after monsoon at a little distance from the base of the plant and should be mixed with the soil. After each application of fertilizer, the soil in the middle of the row should be lifted and the soil should be covered with two to one inches of fertilizer and the base of the plant. 

Potassium is an essential nutrient for pineapples. Potassium is second only to nitrogen in importance. When potassium is applied, the pineapple fruit is bigger, heavier and sweeter, the fruit color is better and the fruit is not easily spoiled even if it is shipped far away. In addition, potassium application Pineapple plants are hardy and can withstand drought and extreme cold.

Irrigation of pineapple plants

Pineapple is grown in rainwater. But timely irrigation increases the yield. That is why irrigation should be given every 20-25 days during other times of the year except the rainy season depending on the soil and conditions. Irrigation should be given as necessary before and after flowering.

Interim care of pineapple

The soil of the pineapple land should be lightly mowed occasionally to destroy the weeds. For this weeding should be done twice a month during rainy season and once a month at other times. Because when weeds grow in the land, the number of fruits decreases, the fruits are smaller and the taste of the fruits is bad. That's why Timely hand weeding should be arranged. Pineapple weeds are usually cleaned by hand. Weeding should be done six-seven times a year as needed. Spade the soil between the rows lightly It needs to be chopped or squeezed. Weeds can also be controlled by applying herbicides. Herbicides can be applied in two ways. For example:

(a) Chemical Weed Control before Planting

The land should be plowed to allow new weeds to emerge. If the weeds are 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) big, 3-4 kg of Dalapan per acre should be mixed with 200 liters of water and sprayed. After ten days, half a liter of Gramoxon per acre should be mixed with 200 liters of water and sprayed again. One month after applying the medicine, the land should be prepared and pineapple seedlings should be planted.

(B) Chemical Weed Control after Planting

When the weed grows 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) in the pineapple garden, apply gramoxone per acre in 200 liters (11 tins) of water between two pairs of rows of pineapple plants. Care should be taken to apply the medicine in empty spaces. Care must be taken to prevent the medicine from falling on the pineapple tree. 

For this reason, the nozzle should be sprayed carefully with the nozzle hood. Weeds can be well controlled by applying the drug three to four times in the first year. A year or two of weed control with herbicides will reduce the need for herbicides later. Although this method does not directly control the weeds in the pineapple row, this method has some advantages. 

A drench of 30-45 ml of Planofix in 135 liters of water shortly before the plants are likely to flower gives good yields if the soil is drenched in one acre of pineapple plants. It is possible to catch premature flowering in pineapple plants by applying chemicals. When the pineapple plant is 12-13 months old, application of calcium carbide spray water will produce flowers within one-two months. Mix 20 grams of calcium carbide in every liter of water and make a solution. Pour 50 ml of the mixture along the center of each selected plant. This medicine should be applied in the morning.

In which month are pineapples harvested?

Fruits are available within 18-22 months after planting the stem seedling. The pineapple tree flowers in February-April and fruits ripen between June and September. Most of the pineapple fruits are produced during the rainy season and few fruits are produced during winter. The fruit should be picked from the tree when fully ripe. 

As the fruit ripens, the dark green color of the unripe fruit gradually fades to green and finally. The color changes to yellow, the eyes of the fruit are nourished and the fruit gives off a sweet smell. Fruits with 2-4 inch (5-10 cm) long tips should be cut with a sharp weapon. To send to a distant market, the crown of the fruit should not be broken. Fruits should be covered with dry straw and packed in baskets and sent to Dudra market. The fruit needs to be handled carefully. Because damaged fruit rots quickly.

Fruits and seedlings are available in the second year of pineapple planting. From ten and fifty thousand trees per acre, approximately five thousand fruits and four thousand seedlings will be obtained in the second year and eight thousand fruits and seven thousand seedlings each in the third and fourth years. The yield of Queen variety is 50-60 quintals and the yield of Q variety is up to 100-120 quintals per acre.

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