Lemon disease prevention and pest control - Different varieties of lemon

If you want to know detailed information about lemon disease prevention and pest control and manual pest control system, then you must read this article carefully.
Lemon disease prevention and pest control
In this article we are also discussing Jab Insect Control and Lemon Peel Insect Control. In addition, several other important topics have been discussed in detail, so please read the entire article to know them.

Different types of lemons

  • 1. Orange: Coorg, Khasia, Nagpur Santra, Kinnow, Malta blood red, Valencia, Washington Navel, Darjeeling Darjeeling), Srihatta etc.
  • 2. Lime, & Lemon: Bitter gourd, seedless lemon, eureka, Nepali round, Vina flannonca Italian lemon etc.
  • 3. Pummelo: Krishnanagar-1, Krishnanagar-3, Duncan Omorsh etc.

Lemon disease prevention and pest control

Some effective methods and control measures should be taken to protect lemon trees from various diseases and insects. The area around the lemon tree should be kept clean. The leaves and fruits lying under the tree should be collected and burnt. Water should not be allowed to accumulate at the base of the plant, as this may cause the spread of disease. Diseased stems and leaves should be cut off to keep the plant healthy.
Canker (Citrus Canker: C.O Xanthomonas citri): This disease is caused by bacteria called

Lemon canker symptoms

In the attack of this disease, round or elongated spots like brown rust are seen on the leaves, young branches and as a result. The disease spreads rapidly in wet weather.

Suppression of lemon canker disease

One milliliter of monocrotophos such as Nuvacron, Monocil etc. or half a milliliter of phosphamidon such as Demicron-100 EC should be applied once a week per liter of water.

Jab insect

In India, four types of jab beetles (namely: Toxoptera citricida T. aurantii, Aphis pomi) attack four lemon trees in India. Among them, the infestation of brown dabur (T. citricida) Myzus por beetle (T. aurantii) is more common in Jasaffar. Abur It causes severe damage. It attacks the lower surface of the leaves, the young branches and the fruit. In addition, the leaf beetle spreads the disease.

Ways to control jab insects

One milliliter of monocrotophos such as Nuvacron, Monocil etc., bone mutton methyl such as Metacystox-25E-C or half milliliter of phosphamidon such as Oxycoton 00E-C or one milliliter of methyl parathion such as Metacid-50E-C per liter of water to spray the affected plants. will be

Mealy bug - Pseudococcus filamentosus Cockerell, Planococcus citri Risso

One milliliter of monocrotophos such as Nuvacron, Monocil etc. or dimethoate such as Rogar-30 E-C should be sprayed on the affected plants per liter of water.

Citrus bark borer Inderbela tetraonis/I. quadrinotata

It is a pest of neglected and old trees. This insect eats the bark and the circulation of the bark destroys the banana. At night, insects eat the bark of trees. So their attacks are not easily noticed. However, insect infestation can be understood by looking at bark powder and insect faeces.

Control measures against lemon bark beetles

A mixture of kerosene, petrol, carbon disulfide or chloroform and creozote (2:1) should be applied to the hole and the mouth of the hole should be closed with mud. Besides, applying B-H-C-50 percent and Paris green on the bark of the tree can also suppress insects.

Orange Stem borer - Stromatium barbatum

It is one of the main pests of lemon in India. The worm of this insect penetrates the branches of the tree and eats the inner part. As a result, the affected branch or tree droops and the tree gradually dries up. Small holes are seen on affected branches.

Orange stem borer control measures (Control measures)

  • (1) Arrangements should be made to kill the insects by cutting the affected branches or removing the insect from the hole with an iron wire.
  • (2) Gasoline or fumigated poisons of carbon bis sulphide should be applied to wormholes.
  • (3) Two milliliters of endosulfan such as Thiodan 3.5 e-c or methyl parathion such as Metacid 50 e-c per liter of water applied to eggs on leaves reduces insect infestation.

Butterfly (Citrus or Lemon butterfly Papilio demdeus etc.)

This pest is found everywhere in India. This insect eats the leaves of the plant and leaves the plant leafless. Small white or yellow eggs appear under or on the leaves. Seedlings are more affected by this insect attack. Besides, this insect attacks fruit buds. As a result, the fruit drops prematurely. The green or brown larvae live on the leaves and feed on the leaves quickly.

Control measures

Malathion 5 percent powder should be applied to affected plants. Keeping the leaves and fruits under the tree clean. Regular cleaning of areas that may harbor larvae or eggs. Regular monitoring of trees, so that butterfly eggs and larvae can be identified at an early stage and prompt action can be taken. Spray by mixing 2-3 ml of chlorpyrifos per liter of water. Mix 5 ml of neem oil per liter of water and spray. Neem oil is effective on both larvae and eggs.

Citrus White fly Aleurocanthus Sp.

Both mature and immature insects suck the sap from the leaves. Severe attack causes leaves to turn yellow and drop prematurely. As a result the yield is low. This insect secretes a honey-like sap that the fungus grows on. Leaves turn yellow or brown. Small white insects or eggs can be seen on the underside of the leaves.

Control measures for lemon whitefly

Cut and burn affected leaves and stems. For small trees shake the tree to dislodge the whiteflies and then destroy the insects. Infected plants should be sprayed with 0.025 percent parathion or 0-03 percent malathion. Can be sprayed with soapy water. This destroys the wax coating on the body of whiteflies and they die.

Fruit flies Dacus dorsalis

The female insect bores on the half-ripe fruit and lays eggs and the maggot grows inside the fruit shell. Affected fruits drop prematurely. Besides, fungi and bacteria grow in the wound of the fruit. As a result, the affected fruit rots.

Fruit fly control measures

(1) Infected fruits falling from trees should be collected and destroyed. It reduces the number of insects.
(2) Two-milliliter malathion-50 e-c or fenthion such as Labacid-100 e-c per liter of water should be sprayed on the plants two months before fruit set.

Spider mites (Mites Eutetranychus banksi)

Leaf color turns yellow, brown or bronze. Spider webs can be seen under the leaves. Small white or yellow spots appear on the leaves. This insect feeds on leaves, causes gray spots on the leaves, weakens the leaves and causes the affected leaves to drop from the plant.

Control measures

If a lemon plant is attacked by a scorpion, then two milliliters of malathion or parathion per liter of water should be sprayed on the affected plants to control the pest. Sulfur based sprays are effective against spider mites.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

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এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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