Fertilizer application method in brinjal cultivation is balanced use
If you want to know detailed information about the method of fertilizer application in brinjal cultivation, balanced use and rules for planting brinjal seedlings, you can definitely read this article carefully.
In this article we are also discussing the rules of eggplant planting and eggplant diseases and their treatment strategies. Besides, several other important topics have been discussed in detail, to know them, please read the entire article.
Improved methods of high yielding brinjal cultivation
Among the crops that are cultivated in our country, the name of eggplant comes first as a vegetable crop. Eggplant contains easily digestible proteins, minerals, vitamin-A, thiamin, riboflavin, nicotinic acid and vitamin-C. Following is the cultivation method of brinjal.
Selection of soil for brinjal cultivation
Well-drained loam soil is best for eggplant cultivation. Clay soil should be avoided during Kharif season.
Introduction of brinjal varieties
a) Rabi season- Islampuri, Kazi Begun, Rakhine (local name), Khatakhtia, Bari Begun-4.
b) Kharif season- Singhnath, Uttara.
c) All year round- Bari Bagun-1, Bari Bagun-5 (Nayantara).
Eggplant planting time
Seedlings should be planted in Magh-Phalgun months for summer crops, Boishakh months for monsoon crops and Bhadra-Ashwin months for winter crops.
Seed rate: 14-16 grams of seed is required for every 3 square meters of seed bed. 2.5 g Vitavex-200 should be used 6 hours before sowing for each kg seed
planting distance
- It is generally best to grow brinjal in bed form.
- Bed size should be : Width- 100 cm. (two rows)
- Length- Similar to the length of land.
- Distance will be: 75550 cm for one row.
- 60X50 cm for two rows.
- Bed Drain Size: 30 cm wide.
- Depth - 20 cm.
Rules for planting eggplant seedlings
Seedlings are ready for planting when they have 5/6 leaves. 30 minutes before planting, the soil should be soaked with water in the seed bed, so that the roots are not torn during the planting. Seedlings should be planted in the afternoon. 7.5 cm around the base of the seedling after planting. 5 cm with the help of fingers.
A deep circular groove should be made. It reduces the attack of insects. After planting the seedlings, the large leaves or banana peels should be cut to cover the seedlings. Shell length 20-25 cm. will be If the sapling dies in any place, another sapling should be planted within 7-10 days.
Fertilizer application method in brinjal cultivation is balanced use
Balanced application of fertilizers in brinjal field results in better plant growth. Yields are high and pest attacks are low. Amount of fertilizer per hectare-
- dung 15 tons
- Urea 370-380 kg
- TSP 145-155 kg
- MP 240-260 kg
Full dung and TSP and half of urea and MP should be applied at the time of cultivation and the remaining half as pit rates. Residual Urea and MP fertilizer should be applied at established distance at the base of the seedling in 2-3 installments during the growth stage of the plant after planting.
Maintenance of eggplant field
To get good yield in brinjal field, the land must be kept free from weeds. Irrigation should be done as needed. Integrated treatment or control of crop pests in brinjal field:
- 1. Varieties that are less susceptible to insect attack should be cultivated.
- 2. Vigorous fresh plantings and insect-infested plantings should be avoided completely.
- 3. The field should be inspected every 2/1 days and the affected leaves, tips, fruits of the field should be destroyed by burying in the ground or burning.
- 4. If eggplant is cultivated in the same field every year, different stages of insect life remain in that field and it is difficult to control these insects. So its attack can be reduced a lot by cultivating other crops for 1-2 years.
- 5. In the field, dry leaves, fallen leaves stuck to the plants, garbage or grass should be removed.
- 6. There are many types of beneficial insects in eggplant fields. They destroy full-grown larvae or eggs of harmful insects at different levels. Indiscriminate use of pesticides kills these beneficial insects or natural enemies. As a result Pests increase. So using pesticides without considering survey or trial is totally inappropriate.
- 7. Only the use of urea fertilizers softens the plants. Fertilizers in brinjal fields are required in balanced form as the yield is less.
- 8. After the attack as mentioned above, if the prevalence of insect attack is observed, then the approved insecticide should be applied in the right amount, at the right time, in the right manner, subject to the survey.
Eggplant harvesting
Harvesting starts after 3 to 4 months i.e. 90 to 120 days after sowing. After 7-10 days the useful crop has to be cut with a sharp knife and collected. About 70-80 tons of yield per hectare is available in one season.
Eggplant diseases and their treatment strategies
Eggplant is the second major vegetable in Bangladesh. It is cultivated all over the country after potato and is popular with all classes of people. Disease is a major constraint in brinjal production. The symptoms, causes and remedies of some serious diseases of brinjal are discussed here.
Root and root rot diseases of brinjal
Disease Symptoms: Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Phytoptera and other fungi cause this disease in nurseries.
It is a deadly disease. Attacks the hypocotyl, stem base and growing main root of the seedling.
Pale green and brown spots appear at the base of the stems of the affected plants. The cells of the affected part rot and the plant dies.
remedy or suppression
- 1. To control this disease, the seed bed should be treated with formaldehyde 2 weeks before sowing.
- 2. Seed should be treated with 2.5 g Vitavex-200 per kg of seed and sown.
- 3. Seeds at 52 degrees C. Keep it in hot water at room temperature for 30 minutes and sow after cleaning.
Fruit and stem rot disease
Disease Symptoms: Seedlings droop to the ground when infected by the fungus Phomopsis vexans. Sometimes the bark falls off and the stem cells are exposed. Leaves can be infected at any time. The disease also attacks the fruit and rots the fruit by causing black lesions.
remedy or suppression
- 1. Collecting seeds from healthy and diseased eggplants can get rid of this disease.
- 2. Black and shriveled seeds should be used,
- 3. Sow the seeds treated with Vitavex-200 at 2.5 g per kg of seed,
- 4. Except the vegetables of the eggplant family, the crop phase should be adopted.
- 5. This fungus survives for years in the abandoned parts of the affected trees, so the affected trees, fallen leaves, branches should be collected and destroyed by burning.
- 6. Roveral 2 grams per liter of water or Tilt 250 EC in 0.5 ml liter should be sprayed on all the plants of the land.
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