Broccoli is cultivated in which soil and climate/climate

In which soil and climate/climate Broccoli is cultivated and for detailed information about land preparation for Broccoli cultivation, read the article carefully.
Broccoli is cultivated in which soil and climate/climate
In this article we also discuss broccoli seeding time and broccoli seedling care. Besides, several other important topics have been discussed in detail, if you want to know them, please read the article.

Improved methods of broccoli production

Broccoli is a new winter vegetable of the Molanaceae family in Bangladesh. It is also known as green cauliflower in Bangladesh. It is also rich in nutrition. Broccoli has anti-cancer properties.

Nutritional value of broccoli

Broccoli is a nutritious vegetable, rich in various important vitamins and minerals. Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, which helps boost the body's immune system and maintain skin health. Broccoli helps regulate blood sugar levels. Broccoli's fiber, potassium, and antioxidants help reduce the risk of heart disease. Broccoli contains a compound called sulforaphane, which is believed to help prevent cancer.

Quantitative details per 100 grams of broccoli
  • Calories: 34 calories
  • Protein: 2.8 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 6.6 grams
  • Fiber: 2.6 grams
  • Fat: 0.37 grams
  • Vitamin C: 89.2 mg (about 99% of daily requirement)
  • Vitamin K: 101.6 micrograms (about 85% of daily requirement)
  • Folate: 63 micrograms (about 16% daily requirement)
  • Potassium: 316 mg (about 9% of daily requirement)
  • Calcium: 47 mg
  • Iron: 0.73 mg
Broccoli can act as a healthy and nutritious food when properly included in the diet.

Broccoli is cultivated in which soil and climate/climate

Cauliflower and broccoli have almost the same climate. It can tolerate high temperature and drought better than cauliflower. Broccoli 15 to 25 degrees C. Grows best at temp. Fertile loamy soils rich in organic fertilizers and soil pH of 6-7 are best for growing broccoli.

Varieties of Broccoli

There are no native varieties of broccoli. Major foreign cultivars are Premium Crop, Green Comet, Green Duke, Crusader, DiCicco, Topper-43, Dundee, Italian Green, Spreading Texas 107, Waltham 29.

Sowing time for broccoli

The land has to be prepared in advance during the month of Bhadra-Ashwin. But its seeds can be sown in seedbed till Kartik month. Broccoli seed rate is 150 grams of seed per hectare.

Seedling production of broccoli

Broccoli seed beds should be prepared by mixing 1 part of leaf compost or dung manure, 1 part of sand and 2 parts of soil. The seedbed size is 1 m. Width, 3 m. Length and 15 cm. height 20 such seeds will be required for planting in 1 hectare of land. 5 cm on the surface of the seed bed. Seeds are sown in rows 1-2 cm apart. Covering or mats should be provided to protect seedlings from sun and rain. After morning and afternoon irrigation, the seed bed should be carefully scraped off with a strong stick.

Land prepared for cultivation of broccoli

  • For broccoli cultivation, land should be prepared by deep plowing.
  • 1 m for planting saplings in 2 rows. wide and 15-20 cm. A high midri or bed should be made.
  • It is better to plant seedlings in midi for irrigation and drainage.
  • The length of the midi can be done considering the size of the land and the convenience of the work.
  • 30 cm between the two sides. wide and 15-20 cm. There will be deep grooves.

Fertilizer application rates and application methods per hectare in broccoli cultivation


Total Amount (kg/ha)

Last Cultivation Time (kg/ha)

Before Planting (kg/ha)

15 days after transplanting (kg/ha)

35 days after transplanting (kg/ha)

























Rotten leaves

50 grams per plant




Fertilizer application rate and method of application per cent in broccoli cultivation


Total Amount (kg/ha)

Last Cultivation Time (kg/ha)

Before Planting (kg/ha)

15 days after transplanting (kg/ha)

35 days after transplanting (kg/ha)

























Rotten leaves

50 grams per plant




Land that gets sun all day should be prepared by deep plowing. For planting saplings in two rows, the land should be made wide and 15-20 high midi or bed. 30 cm between the two poles. wide and 15-20 cm. There will be deep grooves. The land should be fertilized according to the table below.

Seedlings in Broccoli Cultivation

When the seedling has 5-6 leaves under the seed, it should be planted in the main land. 8-10 cm of seedling at that time. height is But 4-6 week old seedlings are best to transplant. 60 s. Mr. 50 cm apart in rows. Seedlings are planted at a distance.

Harvesting and yielding of broccoli

Broccoli 60-70 days after planting is the best time to harvest inflorescences. Inflorescences with a three-inch stem are collected with a sharp knife. In this way, broccoli can be obtained from the same land several times over a period of 1 month. Inflorescences should be collected in a fairly solid state before the color becomes pale or droopy. Its yield is 10-15 tons per hectare.

Broccoli Seedling Care

  • The first 4/5 days of seedling should be irrigated every other day.
  • Cultivation should be done on high land with good drainage.
  • Add organic manure to the soil to make the soil fertile.
  • Spacing should be about 18 inches between plants and about 24 inches between rows.
  • Make a hole about 6 inches deep for each seedling and plant the seedling.
  • After about 3-4 weeks, you can give nitrogen rich fertilizer or liquid fertilizer. It will help in the growth of seedlings.
  • The soil at the base of the seedling should always be loosened so that the seedling grows faster.
  • Weeds must be controlled.
  • Insecticides can be used to protect against insects. But if you want to farm organically, you can regularly remove insects by hand and use natural pesticides.
  • Fertilizer application must be followed by irrigation.
  • Broccoli will begin to produce within 50-70 days of planting.
If these cares are followed properly, it is possible to get good yield of broccoli.

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