The choice of profession by educated people in recent times

IELTS এর বেস্ট সব টেকনিক হাতে-কলমে শিখতে কোর্সThe graph below shows the number of people living below the poverty line from 1995 to 2010. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.
The choice of profession by educated people graph chart

The choice of profession by educated people in our country graph chartThe number of people living below the poverty line (%)
The graph below shows the number of people living below the poverty line from 1995 to 2010. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

The number of people living below the poverty line graph chart

Ans. The survey was carried out on the number of people living below the poverty line covering a period of 16 years from 1995 to 2010. It is noticed that 35% of the people were living below the poverty line in 1995. The situation kept on deteriorating until 2004, while the percentage rose to 44. 

This bleak picture of economy in 2004 could well be due to some political unrest, corruption, economic recession or some natural disaster. But, the situation witnessed an improvement later as the percentage of people living below the poverty line declined to 32.5 in 2008 and 28.5 in 2010 indicating a positive trend of the country's economy.

The graph below shows the literacy rate of Bangladesh from 1995 to 2004

A careful observation of the graph offers a grim picture from 1995 to 2004 when a significant number of people were engrossed in poverty. But, afterwards the situation improved with the poverty line corning down gradually. It means that the overall economic condition of the country improved despite offering a negative trend at the beginning. 
The falling tendency of poverty line persisted throughout the last 8 years indicating a financial boost up in the country's economic condition. The graph is suggestive of a country's transition period from an underdeveloped state to a developing nation.

The graph chart shows the choice of profession by educated people in our country. Describe the graph.

The choice of profession by educated people in recent times

The choice of profession by educated people in recent times

              Farming Business Govt Job Reach wort Banking Teaching

Ans. The graph illustrates the choice of profession by the educated people in recent times. Six categories of jobs are mentioned in the graph these are farming, business, govt. job, research work, banking and teaching. It is observed that govt. job occupies the first position with 60% of the educated people preferring this profession over other service. 

The choice of profession by educated people graph chart

In the field of the educated people's choice of their profession, banking has occupied the second position 40% of educated people choose banking as their profession. Unfortunately, the picture is grim in terms of educated people's indifference towards teaching as only 30% of them have opted for this profession. 
Business claims the fourth position engaging 20% of the total educated people. Unfortunately, only 10% of the educated people have chosen farming. If the educated people were interested in farming, this sector might flourish rapidly. Finally, the research work occupies only 5% of the total educated people which could well be due to the dearth of research opportunities in our country.

What are the most potential factors need to be improved for the workforce of Bangladesh

With 60% preference for Govt. Service the educated people of Bangladesh are displaying their inclination towards traditional jobs. Unfortunately, a bleak picture emerges as private sectors have failed to attract the educated people. However, the positive side is that the educated people are showing some fascination for banking sector

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