The graph chart about COVID-19 affected people in 10 top districts

The number of COVID-19 affected people in 10 top districts in Bangladesh as of March 2022. 

The following chart is about the number of COVID-19 affected people in 10 top districts in Bangladesh as of March 2022.
The following chart is about the number of COVID-19 affected people in 10 top districts in Bangladesh as of March 2022. Now describe the chart focusing the important aspects.

Number of confirmed cases by top 10 Districts

Number of confirmed cases by top 10 Districts

Write a report on the outbreak of COVID-19 in your district

Answer: The given chart shows us the picture of COVID-19 affected people in top 10 districts in Bangladesh as of March 2022.The chart shows that the COVID-19 confirmed cases is the highest in Dhaka district i.e. 680396. The second highest number is 125678 in Chattogram district. The lowest is recorded in Rajshahi and Bogura districts. 

The COVID-19 affected people in Cumilla, Sylhet, Narayanganj Gazipur, Cox's Bazar and Faridpur are 46396, 37200, 35251, 34216, 32510, 2975 respectively. In fact, the chart gives a clear picture of the COVID-19 spreading situation in Bangladesh.

Look at the bar chart below. It shows the incidents of COVID-19 from 8 March 2020 to 23rd March 2022 in Bangladesh. Now describe the bar chart.

Incidence of COVID-19
Incidence of COVID-19

The impact of Covid-19 graph chart

Answer: Covid-19 refers to Corona virus Disease 2019. Corona viruses are types of viruses that typically affect the respiratory tracts of birds and mammals, including humans. Doctors associate them with the common cold Bronchitis, pneumonia and severe acute respiratory syndrome. The virus was confirmed to have spread to Bangladesh in March 2020. The bar chart shows the incidents of COVID-19 in Bangladesh over the past 24 months. 

More specially, it is dated from 8 March 2020 to 23rd March 2022. It includes total number of deaths, total recovered cases, total confirmed cases and total lab tests. It is noticeable that there is a big gap between total lab tests and total confirmed cases with marginal total number of deaths. Out of 1,37,50,604 total lab tests, total confirmed cases are 1950,980 with 29.118 deaths. 

A significant number of covid-19 patients got recovered from the disease and total recovered cases are 18,73,766. However, at present, the incident of covid-19 is rapidly Improving due to proper and timely steps by the government.

Look at the table contains information about the current scenario of COVID-19 in Bangladesh. Now describe the table.

COVID-19 Current Scenario

Lab Test

Confirmed cases









Answer: Since the novel Corona virus emerged in 2019, 170 countries across the world reported novel "Corona (COVID19). The virus was confirmed to have spread to Bangladesh in March 2020. At present, the Incident of covid-19 is rapidly Improving due to proper and timely steps by the government. 

The table corumed Information due to stepsecludes lab test. betes, Isolation, recte current aber of deaths. It is noticeable that there is a big gap between lab lon, recovery and number of deathrginal number of deaths. Out of 10,521 lab tests, confirmed cases are 134 with only 1 death. A significant number of covid-19 patients has been recovered from the disease and recovered cases are 921. 

Only 24 cases are reported in isolation in Bangladesh at present. Really, the current scenario of COVID-19 in Bangladesh shows that it is getting normalized. Now we can hope for a covid-19 free Bangladesh within a short span of time.

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