Answer the following questions into a continuous paragraph on 'A School Magazine'
Your School Magazine paragraph for class 6 or 7
- (a) What is a School Magazine?
- (b) What does it contain?
- (c) How are the topics for the Magazine selected?
- (d) Why is a School Magazine important?
A school magazine is a magazine that contains writings of the teachers and the students of a school. Almost every well established school publishes a magazine every year. It gives a view of the life of the school and reveals the creative genius of the students. It contains poems, articles and short stories-all written by the teachers and students.
The publication of a school magazine is a very difficult task. The editor and his assistants have to work hard to publish the magazine. The magazine committee invites writings from students and teachers. The editorial board selects the qualified ones for printing. The school magazine serves many useful purposes.
The most important is that it brings out the latent creative talents of the students and thus helps them to be great writers. A student feels proud and happy when he finds his own writing in print. The school magazine also reflects the academic and co-curricular activities of the school. It is a treasure island to the students. The students can learn many things from the school magazine. In a word, the school
Answer the following questions into a continuous paragraph on 'A School Magazine'
- (a) What is a school magazine? When is it usually published?
- (b) What does a school magazine contain? By whom is it published?
- (c) Whom does the magazine committee include? How does the committee work?
- (d) How is a school magazine very important?
A school magazine is a special kind of magazine which is published annually by a school. In a school magazine, the writings of the students of the school are published. A school magazine contains short stories, poems, jokes, cartoons, essays, etc. A school magazine is published by a committee who selects the topics for the magazine.
Besides an advisory committee, there is an editor and a sub-editor. The committee works according to the advice of the advisors. The committee collects articles from the students and makes primary selection. A school magazine bears great importance for the students because it helps explore their latent literary talent.
It serves as a great inspiration for them. It helps them become poet, novelist, dramatist, essayist, etc. A school magazine is also a mirror of the school. It presents the activities done by the school. In fact, a school magazine gives an overall impression of a school.
A School Magazine paragraph within 200 words
- (a) What is a school magazine?
- (b) How is it published?
- (c) What does it contain?
- (d) How does it help the young learner?
- (e) why is it important?
A school magazine contains the literary works and other information of a school. It is published once a year. We have school magazine in our school. To publish it smoothly, a magazine committee of usually nine members is formed in a general meeting. The members of the committee are chief patron, adviser, editor, assistant editors, business editors.
proofreaders, assistant proofreaders, etc. The Head teacher holds the post of chief patron and a senior teacher becomes the adviser. The editor, business editors and the assistant proofreaders are selected from among the students. A magazine fund is also made up from the school 'Magazine Fee'. The editor invites writings both in Bangla and English.
Then, after proper scrutiny, the best ones are selected for publishing. The business editors collect some money by selling spaces in the magazine for advertisements. Generally, the magazine has two sections - Bangla and English. There are messages from the Head teacher and the secretary of the school. There are also annual reports: essays, short stories, short plays etc. in it.
It also contains jokes, quizes and puzzles. Most of the articles are written by the students. A few articles are written by the teachers. A school magazine promoting team-spirit inspires to express the dormant power of thinking as well as writing of the young learners. It helps flourish themselves as future writers and poets. magazine mirrors the school.
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