Trim the branches of the lemon tree - Method of applying fertilizers to lemon trees

If you want to know detailed information about lemon tree pruning and lemon tree fertilization method, then you must read this article carefully.
Method of applying fertilizers to lemon trees
In this article we are also discussing how to bring flowers to lemon tree and in which month lemon tree flowers. Besides, several other important topics have been discussed in detail, to know them, please read the entire article.

How are lemon seedlings planted?

The land must be cultivated well. Then at certain distance 2×2×2 feet (60 X 60 X 60 cm) size holes should be left for a couple of weeks. The following amount of fertilizer should be mixed with the soil in the pit.
Dung or garbage fertilizer 15 kg.
Super phosphate 500 grams.

Fill the hole with soil mixed with manure. 15-20 grams of B-HC-10 percent should be applied per hole at the time of planting. Ashad to Bhadra months are good time for planting lemon seedlings. In the afternoon, the soil between the pits should be removed and the cuttings or seeds should be planted. Planting distance varies according to lemon variety. Namely:

Lemon seedlings are generally planted in a square pattern. After planting the seedlings, the soil around the root of the seedlings should be compacted and if there is no rain, irrigation should be done.

Method of applying fertilizers to lemon trees

Organic and chemical fertilizers need to be applied at the root of lemon tree to get good yield of lemon. Fertilizer should be applied twice a year (so in Magha month and Ashwin month). The amount of fertilizer application is as follows:

Even after six years, good yield can be obtained if urea is applied up to 11/2 kg increased to 250 g per year. Citrus fruit trees often suffer from various nutrient deficiency diseases. For example: the branches are dry from the tip (Die back), small leaves and leaves have yellow green spots (Mottling), due to low growth of branches, bunches of leaves are produced at some stage, etc.

Generally, lemon plants are deficient in nutrients such as iron, copper, zinc, boron, magnesium etc. Applying the following mixture in the month of Falgun-Chaitra cures these deficiency diseases. Namely: for every 10 liters of water.
  • Copper sulfate 7 grams.
  • Zinc Sulphate 10-20 g.
  • Borax 2 grams.
  • Magnesium Sulphate 4-5 g.
  • 20-40 grams of lime.
  • Ferrous Sulphate 8 g.

Interculture Operation

After irrigation, when 'Joe' comes, the soil at the base of the plant should be cut and cleaned of loose and weeds. During rainy season, the base of the tree should be tied with soil in such a way that water does not accumulate at the base of the tree.

Trim the branches of the lemon tree

From the base of the lemon tree, very fresh pencil-like new branches can be seen rising straight up. These are called useless dal or jolo dal or dobka dal (water sucker). These branches do not hold lemon and if the branches are on the tree, the yield of lemon is less. Therefore, they are called fruitless pulses. These branches need to be cut as soon as they appear on the tree. Besides, diseased and dry branches should be pruned.

Ways to bring flowers to lemon trees

If the tree does not bear fruit at the time of fruiting, about two months before fruiting (i.e. at the beginning of monsoon) and in winter, the soil at the base of the tree should be dug and some narrow roots and one or two thick roots should be cut. Then apply a moderate amount of fertilizer to the soil at the base of the plant. If this arrangement is done, flowers can come to the tree.

Reasons for falling flowers on lemon trees

Excessive fruit drop is one of the problems in lemon trees in India. It is possible to prevent premature fruit drop by applying some hormonal drugs.

Irrigation of lemon trees

Irrigation is an important issue in lemon orchards. Irrigation depends on soil nature and water aeration. When the soil sap dries up and the leaves of the plant curl, it is necessary to irrigate. Proper irrigation in lemon garden increases the number of leaves and the plant grows quickly. Generally: Irrigation is done every 3-4 weeks. Irrigation should be done in the pit of the cucumber at the base of the plant. Because if water is applied directly to the root, the plant will be damaged.

What month does lemon tree flower?

Lemon trees usually begin to bear small fruits from the age of three years. However, trees grown from seeds bear fruit from the age of 6-7 years. In North India oranges such as Malta, Mosambi etc. flower in March and fruits are picked between December and February. is In South India the plant flowers twice. And fruits are harvested and picked between the months of October and March. After flowering, it takes nine months for the fruit to ripen. Kagi and Patilebu flower several times a year and fruit can be picked six months later.

Lemon tree fruit collection

More yield is available in September-October. Batabi Lemu is suitable for harvesting in January-March in North India, September-November in South India and July-September in East India. Among the lemons, evergreen plants can produce flowers and leaves three times a year (ie in January-February, May-June and September-October).

May-June flower is called Srig Bahar, January-February flower is Ambi Bahar and September-October flower is called Hasat or Hati Bahar. The fruit starts to change color when ripe and turns yellow when ripe. Also, if the pores are clear, it is suitable for harvesting. Fruits can be picked and graded according to size and packed in wooden boxes to be sent to distant markets.

At 40-60 Celsius temperature and 85-90 percent relative humidity, oranges can be kept in the freezer for up to three months. Paper and paper pulp can be stored for up to two months at 11°C and 80-90 percent relative humidity. Oranges, Mosambi and lemons should be picked from the tree when they are fully ripe.


500-600 fruits of oranges, 2000-4000 fruits of paper and leaf lemons and 300-600 fruits of airy lemons are available per tree. The average yield per acre of oranges is 40 quintals in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Tamil Nadu and 72 quintals in Andhra Pradesh.

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