Paragraph and Short Composition: A Tea Stall Writing

Paragraph and Short Composition Writing 
Paragraph and Short Composition Writing

1. A Tea Stall

  • (a) Where does a tea stall sit? 
  • (b) What are sold in a tea stall? 
  • (c) What types of furniture are there in a tea stall? 
  • (d) Why and when people come to a tea stall? 
  • (e) How is a tea stall managed? 
  • (1) What do people discuss gathering there?

A tea stall is very common both in towns and villages in our country. It usually sits at a crowded place. It is found in a market place, a square, a bus stand, a railway station and near schools and colleges. In a tea stall, usually tea is served to the customers in exchange of money. But biscuits, bananas, cigarettes, betel leaves, etc. are also sold there. 

Though some tea stalls are well-furnished, most of them are poorly furnished. It is usually decorated with chairs, tables and benches. People go to a tea stall to take a cup of tea to remove their tiredness. A tea stall is kept open from early morning till late night. In a tea stall there are generally two people to manage and run it. 

One is a grown up man who prepares tea and takes bill from the customers, and the other is a young boy who serves tea, biscuits, etc. to the customers. Sometimes, people come to a tea stall in a group and raise a storm over the cup. They discuss about politics, daily affairs, various problems and what not. After all, a tea stall is a useful place for many people.

Short Composition: A Tea Stall

A tea stall is the particular place where there is an arrangement of sitting and selling tea or coffee, biscuits, cakes, snacks, cigarettes, betel leaves and other nick nacks. A tea stall is a familiar sight in our country. It is found in cities, towns, bazars, railway stations, bus stands and even in villages. In a town it is situated by the side of narrow streets on footpaths of roads. 

The appearance of the tea stall has something in common. It is a small shop. In a tea stall there are few chairs, tables or benches. There are benches inside the shop and some benches are also outside it. Customers sit on the benches and order tea and sometimes some other things like biscuits, chanachur and banana or buns. 

There is often a boy or two to serve tea to the customers. The manager sits behind the cash box at the entrance of the stall. He receives money from the customers and looks after the overall management of the stall. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A kettle is always kept hot on the stove. A tea stall opens in the morning and closes late at night. 

A tea stall is a noisy and crowded place. People of different classes and ages come here. They take tea and talk with one another. They discuss on various subjects. They also talk on village politics, national and international politics and on current affairs. Sometimes, customers raise a storm over a cup of tea. 

That is why it is called a "Mini Sangsad". Sometimes, in rural areas social disputes are settled in a tea stall. A tired rickshaw puller gets off his paddling seat and has a quick cup of tea. In fact a tea stall is nowadays an important place of social gathering and at the same time a place of charm for the common people.

2. A Winter Morning

  • a ) How is the weather on a winter morning? 
  • (b) How do people feel? 
  • (c) How do they keep them warm? 
  • (d) What delicious dishes do we usually have in a winter morning? 
  • (e) Do you like a winter morning? Why?

There are six seasons in Bangladesh. Winter is one of them. It is cold and foggy. There is dense fog everywhere and everything looks hazy. Poor people feel very unhappy in winter morning. They have to come out from their house in search of working then. As they have no ability to wear warm clothes, they have to suffer from bitter cold. 

Some people wear warm clothes. Some warm themselves with fire. And some people bask in the sun. Thus they keep them warm. We can enjoy various delicious dishes in winter morning. We usually have cakes, payesh, molasses etc. then. I like winter morning very much. There are some reasons behind this. Date juice is available in winter morning. 

It is very interesting to collect date juice. Various delicious foods can be enjoyed in winter morning. Besides, most people do not get up from bed in the morning. As a result, roads remain empty. It seems very enjoyable to me. When the sun goes up, the fog begins to disappear. It is also very interesting to me. The nature in winter morning is really a great gift of God.

Short Composition: A winter Morning

Winter is one of the six seasons in Bangladesh. It is the coldest season of the year. A morning in winter is misty and cold. Sometimes the Sun is not seen because fog is very dense. Nothing is seen clearly and people especially poor people suffer a lot. Things even at a little distance can hardly be seen. 

Everything looks hazy and indistinct. The Sun rises late. This causes disruption to the communication system. Dew drops fall at night. Grass and leaves of trees are wet with drops. When the Sun rises, dew drops sparkle like pearls. Sometimes shivering cold spell casus serious sufferings to animals. It causes much suffering to the children also. 

Village people gather straw and dry leaves to make fire to keep themselves warm. The old people, the poor people and the children bask in the sun. Usually people get up late. In a winter morning people in Bangladesh enjoy different kinds of 'pithas'. Delicious sweetmeats are also prepared with date juice. But a winter morning is a curse for the poor. 

The farmer and other poor people get up eang in the morning and go to their work. In winter they suffer a lot because they do not have good/warm dress/clothes, When the morning is very much foggy and misty, there is very chance of fatal road accidents if the drivers are not very careful to move. When the fog gradually disappears everyone go to their work. 

When the Sun goes up, fog melts away. So, the scene of a winter morning disappears as the day advances. A winter morning is pleasant for someone and unpleasant for the other.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

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  • Sl Tricks
    Sl Tricks ৫ এপ্রিল, ২০২৪ এ ১১:৪০ PM

    এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।

মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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